Friday 14 March 2014

Big Fat Sozzages and Mash

So, I feel I have some sorrying to do.

I have utterly failed myself and the four (maybe six?) people who read this, I've been terribly busy/lazy when I should've been thinking of my adoring/bored readers...or something like that. 

So, in brief update;

I did a photo shoot for Lush Cosmetics! Their website is currently being redone, and I got to be part of it! Very exciting, cool and potentially a tad embarrassing. As and when it relaunches I'll let slip which products I've tested, depending on how I look on camera (no paparazzi darling!)

It's almost the end of my penultimate term as a students, which means essays and dissertations and all things terrifying. I'm going to be putting a whole appeal for test subjects for upcoming projects in its own post, so keep your eyes peeled (how horrible is that saying? I'd much rather you keep your quite frankly sexy eyelids where they are). 

I've almost raised enough money for my charity cause!
Since October, I've been collecting money for the family of a lovely alumni student from my university who very suddenly passed away last year. I'm hoping to send her husband and two children to legoland, all expenses paid, and I'm nearly there! My next fundraising night is next Monday (March 17th) at The Star Inn in Guildford, from 7.30. If you're about, just sayin'. 

I've started applying for postgrad jobs!
What an utterly, pantswettingly horrible thought. I have to be A GROWN UP. Pardon? What? No, thank you muchly, I'm fine as I am thanks. 
But it is just a tiny little smidge exciting. Keep your fingers, toes, eyes and nipples crossed pleases, much ablidged.'s nearly warm again!
Yes, for anyone who's living in a panic room, spring is trying it's hardest to leap into our lives. I wore flip flops for the first time this year on Tuesday. I KNOW, how thrilling. 

So, that's it. A real roundup into my boring life. Oh, and I've been addicted to Sara Bareilles' first album again, Little Voice. So go and listen to the song Vegas and dream of long evenings of sun, barbecues and longing to be somewhere else. 


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